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2. Understand the pathogenesis of osteochondritis[]

Osteochondritis is a broad term encompassing a group of conditions affecting the areas of growth at the epiphyses and apophyses of bones before skeletal maturity. The diseases can be grouped into three main types:


- Köhler's disease: - Softening of the navicular bone causes it to fragment before healing and hardening.

- Kienböck's disease: - Avascular necrosis of the lunate bone of the hand

- Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: - Link

- Scheuermann's disease: - The normal ossification ring epiphyses of several thoracic vertebrae become temporarily softened. As the forces on the anterior border of the vertebrae are greatest, a kyphotic deformity of the spine occurs. 


- Osteochondritis dissecans: - A segment of subchondral bone and cartilage becomes avascular and separates from the underlying bone, forming a loose body. 


- Osgood-Schlatter disease: -  link

- Sever's disease: - calcaneal apophysitis, likely resulting from strained attachment of the Achilles tendon
